I have been busy with exams irl, taking summer course in genetics, so that has kept me a bit busy. But this weekend I was able to make some videos of my guild's heroic encounters with Immerseus and Norushen. I also got some gear upgrades and some valor upgrades which have forced me to re-evaluate my stats now that we are entering Heroic challenges/encounters. I am also thinking into uploading Weak Auras again since heroics will force me to up my game due to more challenging strategies and boss mechanics. I hope you enjoy it! Questions and comments are welcome!
Here are the World of Logs for my Resto Shaman on last week's raid:
Heroic Stat Changes
Well, now that we have hit this fork in the road, I was forced to roam the forums for more information and advise from other players who have already been encountering the problems I am beginning to encounter.
My guild and I have started to venture into heroic encounters (we are currently 3/14 HMs) and I have received a couple of new pieces as well as started to upgrade my gear with valor again (since patch 5.4.8 WoW Patch 5.4.8 Notes ). It makes sense that as gear level increases, stats should increase , thus changing the healing output - which I noticed mine was changing and not in a good way. My healing was dropping as I out geared my stat weights.
As a Restoration Shaman I mainly focus on Crit these days. I have already capped on Spirit, Haste, and Mastery comes with gear , so I dont even have to worry about that anymore because I have more than enough...in fact, i try to get rid of some of it by turning it to Crit as much as I can.
before these changes I was capping my Spirit at 13,000, but I am trying a new build and will decrease my Spirit cap to 10,000. My Haste was capped at the 30% for the extra tick of healing rain, so this I will increase to the 33.29% (8882 rating) mark for the extra HST (healing stream totem) tick.
I will keep my Crit at 55% of my Intellect , Spell Power at 75% of my Intellect, and Mastery at 40%. This is using the stat weights with AMR (AskMrRobot - Mojofosho Profile).
Here is a ScreenShot of my stats for better understanding:
These current stats are with my Warforged Horned Mace of the Old Ones and Heroic Norushen Enigmatic Barrier Shield. Last week I got the Heroic version of Gaze of Arrogance Staff in Heroic Sha of Pride encounter . I will wait until I have enough valor next week to fully upgrade it 4/4 before I use it, because the staff will give my healing a slight upgrade.
Resto Auras
I don't know if it is just me, but I have experienced a lack of information in the internet in regards to these auras which are so helpful for progression and overall betterment of play style.
Ever since Power Auras became, sort of obsolete (for a while during the beginning of MoP), and the use of Weak Auras started to take over...I found Weak Auras was easier and more manageable than the old add-on POWA.
Anyway, WeakAuras is very useful in terms of allowing the player to add CD progress bars, or count down Icons on the User Interface that let the player know when their cool downs are up and need to used again...this way there is no down time, or at least less down time than there would be since during a boss encounter there is a lot going on that requires our attention. Weak Auras allows us to put these count downs in our UIs that catch our attention - we can make them whatever size we want, place them where ever we want, make them flash, make them with sounds, etc...
As a Resto Shaman I use Weak Auras for my Totems, Healing Rain, Tidal Waves, and other Global Cool Downs integral to my healing rotation during an encounter.
This add-on can be found in http://www.curse.com; Curse Add-Ons : Weak Auras
Icy-Veins has some awesome strings in their forums from one of their forum admins Hybrys, which I recommend you all take a look at for better understanding or in case you have some questions about the add-on itself: Icy-Veins: Shaman Forum -Weak Auras Thread
This Forum thread was started by me. In it I have the strings I use for my Weak Auras as Restoration Shaman. It also has some advise and insight from other players as well.
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