Monday, March 30, 2015

Crushing Death - Mythic: Hans & Franz

Ay Ay Ay!!!!

Last night was my first shot at Mythic raiding. Hans and Franzok. Easy enough eh? Well...I thought it was from watching so many mythic videos on it this weekend. Truth is, I totally bombed/failed/sucked.

Damn presses.

One minute I was all excited, stayin' alive

The next, I was falling behind, getting crushed to death

Yes, I was disappointed in my performance. I couldn't show what I was really made of. The pressure was ON. and I kept falling flat on my face - quite literally. These new people must think I'm such a loser - def. got obliterated. And to top it all off, I shut off my computer with my feet right before a pull. /facepalm. Everything that could've gone wrong, DID. So, I got benched. Which I am ok with, because I knew I was doing poopie. I didn't want to be the reason they didn't get to progress. Either way, amongst all the failure, I had fun and it was cool seeing something new, even if just for an hour or two.

Here's what I have to say to Hans and Franz, though:

*missing my old guildies /cries


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Golden Endeavors: Proving Grounds

I'm going to work on Endless Proving grounds. It is so much more fun to do than DPS proving grounds or tanking proving grounds.

Didn't think I was going to get into it. My plan was just to leave it at silver b/c it was the one that was needed to do content. But I tried the Gold one today and that was fun and challenging. I will be trying to do Endless to get the "Proven healer" title.

Any of you tried it??


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Maintenance Tuesdays / $20 Tokens & Stuff

What should we east coasters do during maintenance Tuesdays, in the morning??!!

All blizzard games are down. Can't even play Diablo most of the time.  It sucks.

I need to find me a different game to play when WoW is down.

What do you play during maintenance Tuesdays?! -----Apparently I just turn on my computer and stare at the app, as if it magically let me play wow or something /smdh  -_-


On to other topics. A topic of much. much. much discussion on the WoW world/forums
The $20 TOKENSWoW Token Coming Soon – Additional Details

Supposedly this is a system that is going to make it possible for Free-To-Play...but, really... how free is free? $20 for buy a game time token.....I should just pay my subscription bc there is no way in hell I will ever benefit from this. There's a lot of controversy on the forums arguing for it and against it. People excited for the opportunities it will bring them, others dreading it bc they think this is the "death of wow" - LOL-  this game, despite whatever I may say from here onward will never die. Honestly. Let's get real people. This game is worse than crack. I ain't in denial =P

I need to find a way to make some gold in-game...............wait a second while I laugh. What happens to the people who cant make gold in game??? (like me) We have to pay monthly? - Not fair =/

I know what you're probably saying, if you're one of those who easily banks in-game - 'Cry me a river' , '/QQmoar' - Bahumbug 2 u sir!

I know a lot of people are just waiting for this. A lot of people will argue for it. A lot of people are excited for it. I know developers have put so much effort in this. You can really tell they have been working hard to bring new features into the game that will make it unique and appeal to not only just the gamer base, but a lot of people out there who may be thinking or wanting to try out different games, etc... They have really outdone it. I have to say, they are putting time and effort to make this game greater than it already is, trying to keep it fresh and dynamically exciting instead of stale and boring like so many games out there that once you play them enough you bore of them quickly and throw it in a corner or unpin it from your taskbar. Way to go Blizz. Way to go Staff! /pat.yourselves.on.the.back

This is a great effort to get rid of the gold farmers and all the scams that are out there, balancing the WoW economy...blah blah blah. And that is a good thing. But I fear that this will make it worse, for me, as a player. I see no benefit. How you say?

I'm pretty terrible at making gold. The most I have made this xpac is 30k gold and now I'm down to 9k on raid repairs/ gemming/ enchants/ etc...which are crazy expensive and I'm lazy...because when I play, I want to relax and not make this game my second I want to raid and kill some bosses and not spend endless hours farming and playing the AH trying to make money when I do that already on my IRL job all day. Why would I want to keep on "working" when I get home??? - I don't. The time I do have, I spend it researching my class to be better at the game, and that is enough effort imo. And this feels like I am being punished for not wanting or being able to just sit at my computer all day farming pixels and make believe currency. Yes, punished. Negatively affected. Whatever.

This new tokens systems seems like it will inflate prices on the AH more than they already are. Someone out there already has probably found a way to scam , and exploit the shit out of this system and probably make themselves rich or some shit. Oh yeah. This is probably already happening. Ridiculous. Y'all know it is true. Some people I know just log in game to make gold and play the AH. I have never been able to understand it....well, never mind that, I have never had the time except for raiding bc of school/work/etc...I cant constantly watch the market and play the AH game. I barely have time to play the Garrison game >_>

I know. Im. Such. A. Casual. /hangsheadinshame

Although one of the things I do agree with that Blizz has made E.Z was the instant level service to lvl 90 for $65.00. That kind of put the lvling market off the table, somewhat. People still pay for it, though, even though leveling has been made incredibly simple with the addition of the heirlooms and their upgrades to lvl 100. I know people who lvl from 90 to 100 in less than 4 hours!!!!!!! /mindblown. Now, I dont consider myself a noob...but I don't consider myself a know-it-all. There are people who just have a gift with gaming .They were made for this. Completely just blows my mind with what ease they can just excel at this game without even trying. I, on the other hand...have to try. A lot.

So, how am I going to benefit from this system if I cant even make gold to save my life in the game??? --- well, we'll just have to wait and see how this pans out. Only time will tell.

At the moment I am neither for it, nor against it even though this post may seem like I am not thrilled about it.


Monday, March 23, 2015

Warcraft and Ninjas, How CHEATING has become a HUGE problem in WoW

This week in the World of Warcraft....NINJAS

Excuse me while I rage a little bit. I will try to behave and be as civil as possible.

Here's why I am posting this. It has not only become an issue that has affected me, but it has affected many people that I know personally.

It is quite unfortunate that many have taken to the Premade Group system to be ASSHOLES. Plain and simple, people are taking advantage of other players to reserve gear, and or blatantly STEAL gear after they have won it fair and square, despite their loot rules on their LFM queues.

What does blizzard do about it? --- So far, nothing except say they are "INVESTIGATING" the matter further. What  can they do though? I don't blame them. But I do want to see JUSTICE against these perpetrators who are making this game pretty much lose the luster it once had, for me. I have been playing pretty much since classic/vanilla. And I have never had anything stolen, ninja'd , or been unfairly treated as much as I have this expansion, due to all these changes in WoD.

It seems that the more Blizzard tries to incorporate and allow more players to interact with one another other than the population of servers/battlegroups, the more evil natured people try to do evil natured things...

So what happened to me?

Well. This week I did not raid with my usual raid group. I had to pug. Everything seemed fine and dandy. Got to Operator Thogar. I was top heals. People died to trains, but overall the consensus seemed fine. Except when it got to the looting part. Master Looter went super fast, while I was rezzing people. I rolled late on a ring item. Lost roll. Something else was being rolled for. Then it was time to roll for tier shoulders (mind you the ring was looted to a guildie of theirs in Kil'Jaeden server). So I roll, and I win with 81. Immediately they loot it to the Monk tank. The mage in the group who is in their guild starts accusing me of double rolling, immediately after they looted to the monk and I said something about me winning the roll. Clearly trying to start stuff because they knew what they were doing.

The RL then immediately kicks me saying I double rolled and was just trying to steal gear, saying that it shows on chat. Mispelling everything they send me. So I double check, because I know I did not double roll. I never try to cheat or sneak my way to gear like that. Chat clearly shows my roll on the first ring roll as last. Then another roll for something else. And then my roll for the shoulders after it was posted.

I ended up reporting the RL for cheating - right click his name, choose "cheating", and input what happened. This happened Friday...I have yet to hear anything from Blizzard on the matter.

This just left me not wanting to play at all. I got my tier piece stolen from me, and I was not able to even do the boss again. It was unfair. The entire weekend was just terrible. God awful pugs - failed at every mechanic...terrible dps.....people leaving after one wipe, no one knew what they were doing...All they expect is one shots and getting carried by others.WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??!?!?!? L2 play, motherfuckers!

In my opinion, this Premade system may have been made with best of intentions and to facilitate more play time options for casuals...but it has completely BROKEN the raiding system with guild groups. Not only has Mythic requirements broken up guilds, but it has made it impossible for other guilds to recruit, especially because pugging and cheating has been facilitated by Blizzard where people do not need to be guilded to even run heroics.


This game just gets more terrible with each passing expansion....Its not the game's fault, but the kind of people it is targetting.

Just. UGH!!!!!!!! so frustrating.

So, beware of the fucking ninjas. >:(

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Got the BRF mythic mission, today.

With the 6.1 patch, once you have gotten at least 15 heroic raid kills, you can be assigned this mission when you have leveled 3 followers to 660 ilvl.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Funny Twitch Moments w/ the Mojo

getting trolled in brf

bear charge in brf

H. Blackhand P2/ Arrows R Bad 'mmmmk

when warglaives drop & you're not on the right toon -_-

playing with illidan - the betrayer

its all about that b@55

our take on the new blood elf model (___)___)!

he hath no faults

Turrets....Turrets EVERYWHERE (LFR)

a picture can speak 1000 words

'nuff said


Re: Resto Shamans - Tier17 & far in WOD 6.1

Shamans, Shamans, Shamans!

Last night I got my 3rd piece of T17! /happydance

Needless to say, I am quite happy with the way things are going this xpac. I know people who would beg to differ....and will disagree with the things about stats that I am about to touch upon.

So far in this expansion/patch we havent a need to worry about what breakpoints to reach or surpass. There's no more reforging (even though, I do miss it). This gives more room to worry about play style, skills, and overall how to have fun playing instead of spending a lot of time thinking about stats and smashing your head against a rock (if you're not a math person like me!)

I mostly worry about mastery, and haste these days. Yes, a little crit here and there never hurt either - especially since it is included in the Tier pieces.

There's people out there, like my buddy Rip *Hollaaahh* who still stack crit and swear by it. And he plays well and excels at it. He also has the 1.Up over me...his T17 4pc Bonus Set.  /grrrr

So it all really depends on who you are as a player and how you play. This is why I like this patch. You can really follow your own inclings and be happy.

Personally, I am with my favorite theorycrafter and shamy mentor/guru - Stoove! - on this one.

During MoP i used to stack nothing but crit. never ran out of mana and was just always on top. Now, Im all about that mastery. Im still good, top the charts now and then, and loving it when healers give me a run for mah HPS.

I look at the logs in warcraft logs and keep up with top shamans and what they are doing/using, in terms of 'chants and gems and gear stats (there are so many options out there it is incredible and be overwhelming at times, too!), to have a baseline of what I should be doing/ using, & then the rest is basically up to me to choose.

So fun!



FINALLY got my selfie toy on MOJO!

(well...via my druid, bc everyone got it except my poor mojo lol)

So here is Mojo, on H. Kromog....but first, let me take a selfie =P
Big Cheesin' on BRF

Mojo's Guide to Heroic Blackhand

Here's the guide as per this resto shamy.

Blackhand has this stigma that he's a super hard boss because it is the end of tier boss.

I have NEWS . He's not hard. Not hard at all. The thing is, all it takes is team work, and having basic WoW well as up to par gear, to be able to beat this 'sombish'.

So don't fret. Go balls deep & /gg!


This encounter is a 3-Phase fight. All you will have to worry about is the boss, Blackhand, and 2 different add different mechanics he throws at you .....and you have to dodge. Just...GTFO ;)

Phase One  Pew Pew Blackhand & /gg.
Phase Two @70% this phase starts & it lasts until he reaches 30%.  
  • When he phases @70% you will fall into a different room where you and your team will have to face both Blackhand  and two types of adds.
    • Siege Engines
    • Iron Soldiers

Phase Three  Starts @30% and it lasts until he dies. 
  • This phase takes you to a different room, 
  • You only face Blackhand and deal with his mechanics alone.


  • Tank Blackhand close to the outside of the room by the molten slag. This will cause the throw slag bombs to spawn close to the Molten Slag, and be detonated by it.
  • Whenever Blackhand casts Shattering Smash on his tank, the other tank must taunt the boss.
  • When Demolition is cast, players must avoid the falling debris.
  • When you get targetted by Mark of Death, run and hide behind the piles of debris (wood piles)


Tanking and Positioning
Throughout the fight, the off-tank will have to taunt Blackhand whenever his tank is knocked back (and their threat cleared) by Shattering Smash.

Since Shattering Smash deals damage in an area in front of the boss, tanks have to be careful not to face the boss into the melee group.

As far as where to tank Blackhand, it is ideal to keep him close to the Molten Slag.

By tanking him close to the Molten Slag these bombs will be taken out by the slag, and your raid will not need to avoid them for a long time.

Everyone will have to avoid the falling debris as much as possible. There is a lot of debris, so the raid will be taking damage at this time, something that the healers must be prepared for.

The large pieces of debris from must be avoided at all costs, since their damage is very high. Can and will kill players if they don't move out.

As a shaman, I will use my CDs on these phases. When I see a lot of dmg going out (which will happen) I will pop my HTT and SLT during Demolition phases (make sure your major CDs do not overlap with other people's major Cds or they will not be as effective and it will be a waste), in the middle of the room, and with aspect of fox popped, I will chain heal. Always have HST down, Riptide tanks or yourself if needed when running, and always have ES up on a tank.
I mostly chain heal on this phase. Ele blast on CD to have that nice 500 mastery buff and 1k plus to spirit for mana regen.

Marked for Death
When a player is targeted by this ability, they have 5 seconds to move behind a Debris Pile, relative to Blackhand's location.

This will cause the debris to absorb the impaling throw and not kill the player.

If a player does get hit by Impaling Throw, they will require attention from healers until the 45-second bleed expires.


@30% the floor collapses and takes you to a different room.

Right before the floor collapses, I pop SWG and Ascendance. On the way down to the 2nd room I heal while falling. Once I land I keep casting the remainder of the SWG + Ascendance timers.
In this phase I keep up my ES on tanks &Riptide. Mostly Heal Wave as needed and Chain heal. 
Unleash Life + Healing Rain on melee group by Blackhand.
HST on CD.
If marked for death I pop Ghost Wolf and Unleash Life and run behind the siege makers.
If fixated, I run the siege through the slag bombs. Once ahead I stop and heal as I can. If I see its getting close, I pop Ghost Wolf and run ahead again, making sure the siege maker is running through the slag bombs.

You will still be dealing with Marked for Death, Molten Slag bombs, and additionally siege engines that will fixate players and iron soldiers on stands that will bomb players.

Range will continue to dodge these and follow mechanics in the room, while DPSing Boss and Siege Engines.

A group of 5 will be desginated to go up to the stands to deal with Iron Soldiers.

It is relatively easy to get knocked back onto the ledge, but it is not guaranteed. If you are too far from the ledge towards which you are being knocked back, then you will fall short. Likewise, if you much too close to the ledge, you will end up under it. So, Blackhand should be roughly in the center of the room when Shattering Smash will be cast, and this should land you on top of the ledge. While up on the ledge, you can attack and interrupt the Iron Soldiers you find there, but make sure you get back down in time to taunt the boss when the next Shattering Smash is cast.

Handling Iron Soldiers
While the damage dealt by any individual Iron Soldier is not high, if there are too many of them up you will quickly be overwhelmed by their damage, especially since the projectiles they fire cannot be avoided and they will get overwhelming.
So, the team assigned will have to go up on the ledge where the Iron Soldiers are located to clear them out, several times throughout the phase.

The Iron Soldiers have very little health, and they do not need to be tanked, so killing them is not hard. The problem lies in the fact that they can be spread out very much on the rather large ledge, meaning that there can be quite a bit of travel time to get to a distant group of Iron Soldiers---so get some AOE classes if possible..paladins, druids with starfall /gg

As far as the composition of this group of players is concerned, it should be made up of one tank and several DPS players. 

Siegemakers, Marked for Death, and Slag Bombs
To begin with, whenever a Siegemaker spawns, someone should be assigned to kiting it (Most common for this job are hunters!)

To do this, that player has to be the closest player to the Siegemaker, which will cause it to fixate on them and follow them around. Keep in mind that the Siegemaker deals constant damage in a cone in front of it, so make sure to be far away to avoid that damage, and not to kite the Siegemaker into any other players...

Most importantly, other players aside from the ones kiting the siegemaker should get out of the Fixated player's way.

The task of the player kiting the Siegemaker is mostly to use it to clear out the Slag Bombs that are on the ground. So, run the siegemaker through the slag bombs on the ground /gg

Whenever a raid member is targeted by Marked for Death, they need to move in such a way that the Impaling Throw will hit the Siegemaker. This will cause the Throw to deal no damage, and it will also remove the Siegemaker's Blackiron Plating buff.

Use the siegemaker as a shield from Impaling Throw, hide behind it...(not infront!)

Once this happens, ranged DPS players should switch to the Siegemaker and kill it quickly.

There is never a right time in this phase, but make sure you find a good spot and the right time as right as it can get, to channel a mana potion towards the end of this phase, so you can be ready for phase 3 as this is the most healing intensive phase and the phase where people panic the most and make the most mistakes. Just be prepared and plan ahead!


When Blackhand phases, I usually pop SWG+Ascendance so I can heal people to full through the fall. Once we land and run to the edge where he is tanked, I LUST.
Through this phase I use my CDs, HTT, SLTx2, during the Shattering Smash as everyone will be taking a lot of dmg. 
Keep an eye on tanks are they will take A LOT of dmg, as well as the people who get attched slag bombs and marked for death.
Maintain Unleash Life + Healing Rain.
HST on CD as always.
Chain Heal FTW.


The strategy for Phase Three is not as complex as that for Phase Two, but the Phase is arguably more difficult and more intense.

The tanks should perform the same tank switch as before, to deal with Massive Shattering Smash. Given the increased damage of the ability, tanks will have to use defensive cool downs for each smash.

Players affected by Attached Slag Bombs will have to move to an edge of the platform before their bombs expire, so that the Slag Holes left behind are away from the raid.

Players targeted by Marked for Death must make sure that there are no other raid members in front of or behind them, relative to Blackhand's location, in order to minimize the damage taken from Impaling Throw. For this, please make sure you position yourself in a way that you wont be thrown off the edge!!!

The healers will have to contend with the increasing raid-wide damage from Overheated. So it is a good idea to have CD rotations and definitely not waste them at once.

The phase is very intense, and the increasing damage from Overheated will eventually lead to a wipe.

Tanking Blackhand during Phase Three is not very complex. There are two things to keep in mind.

1. Firstly, you should aim to make good use of the space on the platform, by dragging Blackhand away from his most recent Slag Crater, in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise fashion. Given the frequency and radius of the Slag Craters, and the size of the platform, if you do this correctly you should never run out of space.

  • We advise you to tank Blackhand close to the edge of the platform, so that the center of the room remains Crater-free.

2. Secondly, you will have to survive the extreme Fire damage that  Massive Shattering Smash deals. If the damage is still too high, both tanks can soak each Massive Shattering Smash, since this no longer clears threat. Use CDs and maintain heals on tanks.

Slag Bombs, Slag Holes, and Slag Craters

In this phase when you get slag bombs, most groups run these left. So, as soon as you get one, run left and wait until it drops. Do not overlap other players or you will die. Then run back to stack with group.

This means trying to stack the craters as much as possible, so that you can then move on to a clear area of the platform as soon as they become ignited by Slag Eruption. In any case, players who are affected by Attach Slag Bombs should do their best to place them away from the raid, and near other existing Slag Holes. Healers will have to be prepared to heal the damage on the players who have Slag Bombs attached to them, as they will take high damage.

Throughout the fight, the entire raid should make sure to avoid taking damage from Slag Holes and Slag Craters, which means making sure not to be too close to them.

Marked for Death

Unlike in previous phases, there is no way to avoid taking damage from Marked for Death . You now need to make sure that, as the targeted player, you are the only one hit by Impaling Throw, as the projectile hits all players in a line. So, if you are targeted by Marked for Death, position yourself in such a way that there are no players in front of or behind you, relative to Blackhand's location

In this part, when you are Marked for Death, run a bit out of the raid (where players are supposed to be stacked) and position yourself in a way that when thrown back, you will still land towards the middle of the room and not thrown off the edge like it can happen if you position yourself to be towards the edge.

Here is the video of my H. Blackhand Kill.

Enjoy, Good Luck. /gg

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm a Savage Hero - Heroic Blackhand Down!

Its been a hard  and strange trip. Last night we killed Heroic Blackhand. After leaving my raid team I have been pugging endlessly on premade groups to get to the end of the tier. Finally found a good Heroic Furnace group that led to H. Blackhand. It was amazing, exhilarating, intense, stressful, and just plain AWESOME. Kill happened at 4am EST. The guys in the group were assholes and elitist, but hey...I got my kill and my goal of reaching end game content on time has been met!!! I doubt I will be seeing any mythic content soon, since that is mostly something that only guilds do these days....our new guild's raid team isn't even complete yet. Overall, I have to say I am really happy with the resto shaman healing. I have improved a lot over the past few weeks as a raider, and a healer. Overcoming negative comments and critics and showing them what I am made of is one of the best feelings and why I love challenges in World of Warcraft.

Mojofosho - The Savage Hero; Heroic Blackhand 3/3/2015

I will be posting a guide to Heroic Blackhand soon, but here is the highlight of the Heroic Blackhand kill last night.
