All blizzard games are down. Can't even play Diablo most of the time. It sucks.
I need to find me a different game to play when WoW is down.
What do you play during maintenance Tuesdays?! -----Apparently I just turn on my computer and stare at the app, as if it magically let me play wow or something /smdh -_-
On to other topics. A topic of much. much. much discussion on the WoW world/forums
The $20 TOKENS. WoW Token Coming Soon – Additional Details
Supposedly this is a system that is going to make it possible for Free-To-Play...but, really... how free is free? $20 for buy a game time token.....I should just pay my subscription bc there is no way in hell I will ever benefit from this. There's a lot of controversy on the forums arguing for it and against it. People excited for the opportunities it will bring them, others dreading it bc they think this is the "death of wow" - LOL- this game, despite whatever I may say from here onward will never die. Honestly. Let's get real people. This game is worse than crack. I ain't in denial =P
I need to find a way to make some gold in-game...............wait a second while I laugh. What happens to the people who cant make gold in game??? (like me) We have to pay monthly? - Not fair =/
I know what you're probably saying, if you're one of those who easily banks in-game - 'Cry me a river' , '/QQmoar' - Bahumbug 2 u sir!
I know a lot of people are just waiting for this. A lot of people will argue for it. A lot of people are excited for it. I know developers have put so much effort in this. You can really tell they have been working hard to bring new features into the game that will make it unique and appeal to not only just the gamer base, but a lot of people out there who may be thinking or wanting to try out different games, etc... They have really outdone it. I have to say, they are putting time and effort to make this game greater than it already is, trying to keep it fresh and dynamically exciting instead of stale and boring like so many games out there that once you play them enough you bore of them quickly and throw it in a corner or unpin it from your taskbar. Way to go Blizz. Way to go Staff! /pat.yourselves.on.the.back
This is a great effort to get rid of the gold farmers and all the scams that are out there, balancing the WoW economy...blah blah blah. And that is a good thing. But I fear that this will make it worse, for me, as a player. I see no benefit. How you say?
I'm pretty terrible at making gold. The most I have made this xpac is 30k gold and now I'm down to 9k on raid repairs/ gemming/ enchants/ etc...which are crazy expensive and I'm lazy...because when I play, I want to relax and not make this game my second I want to raid and kill some bosses and not spend endless hours farming and playing the AH trying to make money when I do that already on my IRL job all day. Why would I want to keep on "working" when I get home??? - I don't. The time I do have, I spend it researching my class to be better at the game, and that is enough effort imo. And this feels like I am being punished for not wanting or being able to just sit at my computer all day farming pixels and make believe currency. Yes, punished. Negatively affected. Whatever.
This new tokens systems seems like it will inflate prices on the AH more than they already are. Someone out there already has probably found a way to scam , and exploit the shit out of this system and probably make themselves rich or some shit. Oh yeah. This is probably already happening. Ridiculous. Y'all know it is true. Some people I know just log in game to make gold and play the AH. I have never been able to understand it....well, never mind that, I have never had the time except for raiding bc of school/work/etc...I cant constantly watch the market and play the AH game. I barely have time to play the Garrison game >_>
I know. Im. Such. A. Casual. /hangsheadinshame
Although one of the things I do agree with that Blizz has made E.Z was the instant level service to lvl 90 for $65.00. That kind of put the lvling market off the table, somewhat. People still pay for it, though, even though leveling has been made incredibly simple with the addition of the heirlooms and their upgrades to lvl 100. I know people who lvl from 90 to 100 in less than 4 hours!!!!!!! /mindblown. Now, I dont consider myself a noob...but I don't consider myself a know-it-all. There are people who just have a gift with gaming .They were made for this. Completely just blows my mind with what ease they can just excel at this game without even trying. I, on the other hand...have to try. A lot.
So, how am I going to benefit from this system if I cant even make gold to save my life in the game??? --- well, we'll just have to wait and see how this pans out. Only time will tell.
At the moment I am neither for it, nor against it even though this post may seem like I am not thrilled about it.
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