Last night I got my 3rd piece of T17! /happydance
Needless to say, I am quite happy with the way things are going this xpac. I know people who would beg to differ....and will disagree with the things about stats that I am about to touch upon.
So far in this expansion/patch we havent a need to worry about what breakpoints to reach or surpass. There's no more reforging (even though, I do miss it). This gives more room to worry about play style, skills, and overall how to have fun playing instead of spending a lot of time thinking about stats and smashing your head against a rock (if you're not a math person like me!)
I mostly worry about mastery, and haste these days. Yes, a little crit here and there never hurt either - especially since it is included in the Tier pieces.
There's people out there, like my buddy Rip *Hollaaahh* who still stack crit and swear by it. And he plays well and excels at it. He also has the 1.Up over me...his T17 4pc Bonus Set. /grrrr
So it all really depends on who you are as a player and how you play. This is why I like this patch. You can really follow your own inclings and be happy.
Personally, I am with my favorite theorycrafter and shamy mentor/guru - Stoove! - on this one.
During MoP i used to stack nothing but crit. never ran out of mana and was just always on top. Now, Im all about that mastery. Im still good, top the charts now and then, and loving it when healers give me a run for mah HPS.
I look at the logs in warcraft logs and keep up with top shamans and what they are doing/using, in terms of 'chants and gems and gear stats (there are so many options out there it is incredible and be overwhelming at times, too!), to have a baseline of what I should be doing/ using, & then the rest is basically up to me to choose.
So fun!
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