Friday, January 23, 2015

Hello! Is this thing on?...

Hi All! ^_^

First of all, I want to apologize for not having the time to create part 2 of my part 1 "How to shamy" video guide. I started the guide way too late in the expansion and then things got crazy with final exams, work, and raiding team changes.

Towards the end of Siege, the team sort of disbanded and then once WoD began things did not work out. So, now I am raiding with a new team and things could not be better. Like always, this expansion is amazing! Blizzard always knows how to meet and surpass expectations while also crushing dreams lol. There are many things I love about Draenor and also many changes I was not happy with...but like always, we must learn to adapt and carry on! That is the beauty of gaming and what makes us better in the long run...our ability to adapt and conquer!

Speaking of conquering....Highmaul. Oh, Highmaul! I am totally digging the encounters. And while resto shamans are not as powerful as they were back in MoP, we still can hold our own and shine!

On my next post I will be trying to document talents, glyphs, stat priorities, enchants, gems, and healing strategies to Mythic encounters as I experience them.

Currently, my team's progression is 2/7 Mythic difficulty in Highmaul. Not as advanced as other players, but we are getting there. Hopefully we get to complete Mythic Highmaul before Black Rock Foundry is out. /fingerscrossed.

Mojofosho, Currently @ 669 ilvl 1/7 mythic progression. One of my best xmog's yet.

So, what do you all think so far of Tier 17 sets? tier bonuses?

Tier 17 Sets

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

To be honest, I was expecting the Tier 4P bonus to be a bit better, or a longer period of time than 10 secs...but I guess this works...anything that reduces mana costs is welcome :)
In regards to the sets themselves...They are not bad. I am just not a fan of the smokey shoulders.


I am experiencing the toughness of the Mythic experience vs. other healing classes and the dreaded ilvl gearing difficulties. So, I have set myself out to seek advise from the great wow players out there in the forums. I have made various postings in MMO-Champion, Icy-Veins, and e-mailed some people in regards to Warcraft Logs and how I can better improve these heals. Stay tuned...

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