Friday, January 30, 2015

Last Week of Highmaul was a TOTAL Disaster

So here we are, at the culmination of Highmaul and the eve of Blackrock foundry. The iron horde is at it causing mischief and terrorizing the world trying to acquire power. They must be stopped!

Well, hold up. All this content is coming out a little too fast no? Am I the only one who thinks this? Blizzard, please....slowwwwwwww dowwwwwwn!

I know many people who go hardcore have already beaten Imperator on Mythic difficulty and can't wait for new content b/c they are bored, but my guild is just getting a leg into mythic.

Just last week we downed Mythic Twins after 3 or 4 weeks of progression. Most our players are casual and we only raid about 2 days a week for about 3 hours...which should be enough, but in reality it is not. I find myself wanting to keep raiding & I don't know what to do. I want to beat this content...but it doesn't look like I will.

This week has been kind of chaotic. There doesn't seem to be much consistency or progression. So we wipe an entire night on one boss, to continue wiping on new bosses the following nights. So there goes my hope for at least 3/7 Mythic before BRF /sadface /pout


BUTCHER (Mythic)

We tried the pool strategy. Tanking Butcher on the water area where adds are cleared right after Kargath.
Where we tanked The Butcher

I found myself chain healing like a mad woman, trying to keep HST down on cd  even with call of the elements. Putting riptide on mainly tanks and others who were running low, unleash life on tanks, elemental blast on cd, and healing rain. The encounters did not last long due to people messing up on stacks, lack of dps, and just people dying to these things. Here are the logs.

I'm wondering if I should be chain healing as much as I did. I definitely did better than I was doing a couple weeks ago.



As per Blizzard, the PTR has been up for a bit where people can go preview and test out the content while it is being developed. Here is a preview of what we can expect in terms of content.

The raid seems legit. Very to the content and feel of the expansion. Iron Horde, Ogres, Fire, Giants, Orcs, and a very dwarven/mining/underground feel to it,,,which is to be expected since that's pretty much what it is.

The raid is to go live coming week, February 3rd, 2015, and also a new world boss will be debuting the zone of Spires of Arak - Ruhkmar, a blazing fire phoenix soaring the skies. Ruhkmar is a burning ball of fire considered to be a god to the Arrakoa.

Here is the schedule for BRF

Blackrock Foundry Raid Schedule

Raid opens with Normal and Heroic difficulties available right away. Then a week later debuting  Mythic. Raid finder will not be available for players until Feb 17th, 2 weeks after BRF debut.

Are you guys ready? I'm not....but I've got one thing to say---BRING IT!

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