Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Finally Card is BACK and Blackhand TONIGHT!

I have to say..2 weeks without a proper video card is HELL.

Please don't try it at home. The struggle is REAL, kids. #majorwithdrawal

But, last night I got my card back and all is well. I felt back at home sitting on my chair, back in blackrock foundry.

BUT....I was back with my priesty holy priest #amygdalla, now 657ilvl and killing it in BRF.

Mojo is currently off duty. Not sure I still want to keep raiding with the team I  am on. I like some people, and those I will miss...but some others are ...well, we aren't a fit. I realized this a while ago and when my graphics card went to poo poo, I've got to say it was an eye opener. Last night raiding with my friend and his friends I realized #casual may be the way to go for this chick. I  had a blast and we weren't even #madbro. /gg

So, tonight I will be doing #Normal #Blackrockfoundry #Blackhand with Amygdalla as a Holy Priest.

I am not putting Mojo out of commission, but just until I figure this out. I kind of take it to heart when I am considering leaving a team. Not sure why, but it gets me sad. Not that they will be hurting or fact they have been recruiting a resto shaman since the first day I told them my graphics card took a poo poo and I was running on 17fps. /shrug

So to prep for Blackhand tonight I watched this great video - really solid. I recommend it (hope they dont mind that I am linking it).

I may also be streaming tonight while I get my Garrison's #Jukebox. Cuz, why not? :D I'm back and I'm ....I'm.....SO READY! LETS DO THIS!


Saturday, February 21, 2015

"DBM PULL IRL" Now Recruiting!

Now looking for avid and determined raiders to fill its newly formed raid group! 
Raid times are Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-10 EST
Looking for 655 item level minimum.
No experience required but preferred, in Blackrock Foundry! 
PST for more information!
(put a message on the request mentioning interest in joining raid group, so i know its not spam)


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Heroic Kromog DOWN. Heroic Iron Maidens, NEXT!

So, last night after a lot of wipes and struggle, we finally downed him. It was frustrating and definitely intense. The rage was real.

Now we are attempting Iron Maidens. This fight is probably even more intense.

Here's the strategy:

Iron Maidens: Heroic Mode

iron maidens/pic cred: mmo-champion

First off, be prepared for a lot of movement and dmg output. Movement and placement is CRITICAL in this encounter. More so than in Kromog.

Admiral Gar'an - not tankable;

  • one tank must tank Enforcer Sorka and the other must tank Marak the Blooded
    • The Marak tank must be sure to intercept  Blood Ritual so that no other player is struck by  Crystallized Blood
  • When the Maidens reach 100 Energy, the Marak tank should chain together powerful survivability CDs to reduce raid damage from Sanguine Strikes

When a Dominator Turret spawns, move tankable bosses away from it so tanks & melee can dodge the projectiles


  • Maidens do not share health, but should be DPSed down fairly evenly with the use of Cleave/multi-target DPS .
  • When targeted by Blood Ritual, move to the designated location so the tank can intercept  Crystallized Blood
  • If targeted by  Rapid Fire, move out of the raid quickly and keep running until the debuff fades
  • If targeted by  Penetrating Shot, stand still so ranged DPS and healers can intercept the attack and split the damage
  • Kill Dominator Turrets when they spawn
  • If targeted by  Convulsive Shadows, use a personal damage-reduction cooldown to survive the damage
  • If targeted by  Bloodsoaked Heartseeker, run away from the other targeted players to minimize damage
  • If targeted by  Dark Hunt, use a personal damage-reduction cooldown as the debuff is about to expire
  • During  Detonation Sequence, move into safe spaces to avoid taking fatal damage from the bombs: Patterns Alpha and Omega.
  • If assigned to the Dreadnaught Team, use the Loading Chains when a boss moves to the ship to be transported to that ship.

  • Track the  Blood Ritual,  Bloodsoaked Heartseeker, Convulsive Shadows,  Dark Hunt,  Rapid Fire, and Penetrating Shot debuffs
  • Players targeted by these debuffs will require additional healing
  • On Normal and Heroic difficulties, it deals more damage to dispel  Convulsive Shadows than it is to let the debuff run its course; simply target the affected player and heal them through the DoT.
  • Heavy damage is likely to occur during  Detonation Sequence; raid CDs may be handy here
  • After Marak gains  Sanguine Strikes, use damage-reduction CDs on Tanks.
  • If targeted by  Convulsive Shadows, use a personal damage-reduction cooldown to survive the damage
  • If targeted by  Bloodsoaked Heartseeker, run away from the other targeted players to minimize damage
  • If targeted by  Dark Hunt, use a personal damage-reduction cooldown as the debuff is about to expire
  • During  Detonation Sequence, move into safe spaces to avoid taking fatal damage from the bombs - check the patterns.
  • If assigned to the Dreadnaught Team, use the Loading Chains when a boss moves to the ship to maintain team healed.

Before beginning the fight, players should choose a healer and up to five DPS to comprise the Dreadnaught Team
Choose a mobile healer and strong, mobile DPS; interrupts are also important for one boat phase

When one of the bosses leaves the encounter area, these players should ride the chains in the southwest corner of the platform to get to the Dreadnaught.

The Dreadnaught team must quickly defeat the Deckhands on board the ship and click on the ammunition at the front of the boat to prevent the boss from completing  Warming Up.

Players have approximately 90 seconds to complete this task

When successful, players will be automatically returned to the encounter area
Use a personal CD when you return, since  Detonation Sequence will be occuring.

There are three different encounters on the boat.

Grapeshot BlastAdmiral Gar'an's Dreadnaught Phase:
  • No tank is necessary; send 5 DPS and 1 healer
  • Prioritize interrupts on Battle Medic Rogg's  Earthen Barrier and  Protective Earth casts
  • Interrupt Rogg's  Chain Lightning if you have enough interrupts to safely do so
  • If targeted by Uktar's  Grapeshot Blast, position yourself so other players are not affected

Corrupted BloodMarak the Blooded's Dreadnaught Phase:
  • Send Marak's tank, 1 healer, and 4 DPS
  •  Corrupted Blood pools will spawn beneath every player's feet every few seconds
  • Move Uk'urogg out of  Corrupted Blood pools that spawn nearby
  • Players should move constantly to avoid  Corrupted Blood damage
  • Sabotage the highlighted ammunition by clicking it

Enforcer Sorka's Dreadnaught Phase:
  • Send Sorka's tank, 1 healer, and 4 DPS
  • The tank must intercept  Deadly Throw
  • Players targeted by Deadly Throw should stay still so the tank can easily intercept the attack
  • Kill Iron Eviscerators, while cleaving on to Gorak when possible
  • If focused by an Iron Eviscerator's  Fixate, kite the Eviscerator in a small circle around Gorak
  • The  Detonation Sequence will still be in progress on the main platform when players are returned to the encounter area after completing the Dreadnaught phase. 
  • Players on the Dreadnaught should watch the platform and time their Sabotage so that they do not land just as a large batch of bombs is about to explode. The Sabotage cast is 3 seconds, and the travel time through the air back to the Iron Maidens' platform is 2-3 seconds.

Further information on abilities is found here: Iron Maidens: Strategy on WoW Head

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Heroic Kromog - Nightmare in Blackrock

This boss turned out to be a nightmare last night. -_-

Here's my raid's general opinion as to why: healers -_- and i beg to differ. while we can improve on healing, that was hardly the cause of our can't just fix bad by masking it with druid overheals. just no. doesn't work that way.

Here's my general opinion as to why:
Our best attempt was 12%
1- Not enough DPS output. The numbers were realllllyy low. Healers were being taken down from grasping earth too late...or maybe they just decided to leave me there until the end b/c they hate me? who knows...but it wasn't fast enough.
2- Tanks not using their cooldowns enough or more efficiently. Granted we had someone who is not our regular tank, tanking - he was missing his use of shield wall prob 98% of the times.
3 - Healing - CDs could be set up more efficiently. There's always room for improvement in the department.
4- Placement - overall, placement in the room has a lot of room for improvement. Pretty much if we get our placement and sync right, that like 90% chance of  success.
5- Awareness - get this, and we win.

Here are some blogs (not all encounters were recorded, my shit crashed and I forgot to turn it back on)

This is an encounter that requires a lot of movement, a lot of awareness, and a lot of sync between the team players. There's a lot going on all at the same time, back to back.

Remember Kologarn in Ulduar??? These encounters are essentially alike.

LUST: 30% - enters frenzy. needs to be killed ASAP.

Warped Armor - stacking debuff applied to tank. Reduces the target's movement speed by 15% & increases their Physical damage taken by 20% per stack. Requires tank to perform switches.

Stone Breath - a channeled ability that deals a moderate amount of raid-wide Physical damage every second. Needs melee players in his range to prevent this or else he wil lcast stone breath every 30 secs.
stone breath heffect

Fists of Stone - deals a massive amount of Physical damage to his main target, which is split between that target and the nearest target to them within 15 yards.

Slam - deals a massive amount of Physical damage to the entire raid. The damage that this ability does is reduced the farther away the target is from Kromog.

Rippling Smash - A cone attack-like ability  that Kromog regularly uses throughout the fight against random raid members. He will target a random player and cause a wave of rumbling earth to travel towards that player. If you're caught in it, you will most probably die. So, run out of this.
rippling smash effect

Rune of Grasping Earth - Used regularly throughout the fight. He summons a large number of yellowish runes on the ground. After a few secs of being spawned, a hand will come up through each rune and grasp the player standing in it. This deals a very small amount of Nature damage to them every second.

  • Only one player per rune can be grabbed by the hand. If there are multiple players on a rune, only one will be grabbed. The other will miss its rune and probably die when the boss causes Thundering Blows. 
  • The hands need to be killed. They will continue to hold their target in place and damage them until they are killed. (healers grasped need to be broken out ASAP).
  • While players are being held by a Grasping Earth, they are immune to Physical damage and they cannot be knocked up.
rune of grasping earth effect

Thundering Blows - Used shortly after using Rune of Grasping Earth.  Causes massive amount of raid-wide Physical damage over 5 seconds, and will also be knocked up very high into the air, and they will take a lot of fall damage. This ability will effectively kill any players who are not held in place by a Grasping Earth throughout the entire cast of Thundering Blows.

Rune of Crushing Earth - 2 large stone hands on the floor of the room with a red rune in the middle. After a short amount of time, the two hands high five eachother causing a lot of dmg and stunning for 5 secs.
rune of crushing earth effect

Reverberations  A number of sonic discs that move throughout the room, like in HoF's Imperial Vizier Zor'lok encounter. These rings deal damage to enemies that they come in contact with. The discs disappear after a short time. If a person stands in the middle, the discs are soaked. Don't soak them. AVOID AVOID AVOID

reverberations effect

Shattered Earth  Deals a moderate amount of Nature damage to 4 random players.



  • To split the damage of Fists of Stone, stand on top of each other.
  • Perform a tank switch to handle Warped Armor.
  • Make sure to always be in melee range of Kromog, with the exception of Slam or Rune of Grasping Earth 
  • When these two happen, perform same mechanics as rest of raid. GTFO.
  •  After those happen, run back to melee range ASAP.
  • Mitigate dmg
  • Rotate your own cd's.
  • use everything at your disposal.


  • Efficiently use your Cds for Slam and Stone Breath.
  • Be prepared to heal incoming dmg from all abilities.


  • When Rune of Grasping Earth happens, begin DPSing the Grasping Earth hands, but do not kill them off until the boss finishes casting Thundering Blows.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Video Highlights of Normal Blackrock Foundry!

Here are the video highlights of my Normal Blackrock Foundry run this weekend, with the exception of Blackhand since we did not end up downing him. I will end up posting a guide for the ones who I haven't yet and also one for Blackhand.










BRF Normal/Bindings Saga

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I built some engines and played some wow. Always fun =P

Sunday night we did Blackrock Foundry on normal. I did relatively well with bindings. Better than I thought I would. That is progress.

I got my 2pc bonus T17

2pc Bonus Tier 17

It is normal and I am replacing a heroic piece with a normal piece, but the bonus alone seems worth it.

We also almost cleared BRF normal. We left off on Blackhand. The encounter is definitely challenging, but so fun.


I will be posting some more strats as well as some highlights of the raid from my twitch stream.


Friday, February 6, 2015


The odyssey begins. Technology has once again beat me on the battlefield. We have this love/hate relationship.

After much back and forth via e-mail, I finally was able to get an RMA. Almost shy of 1 yr of faulty functioning, the card has been giving me more frequent issues where it is affecting the computer's functions overall.

I do have to say, this will suck. I will have to settle for playing on the iMAC until it is returned to me.



NEW User Interface & Loot!

Before I get into the topics I want to announce. I have some advise.

DO NOT....I repeat...DO NOT make any changes to your UI set up before a raid without having practiced with it or feeling comfortable with it enough so that it is second nature/automatic reflex to use everything on it. Seriously.

This unfortunately happened to me last night. I had changed my UI to what I thought would be optimal and efficient...and it looked good, so I was happy...But when raid started and things got crazy, I froze. 

So, I made some changes. And it worked. But not after I died twice and my healing was sub-par. Yeah. I'm bad. But you live and you learn. In the end it is these things that make you a better player, right? RIGHT! -_-

However, it doesn't end there. I have been getting some grief from certain people who shall remain nameless -_- about my using mouse binds (razer naga). So, naturally, I like to get ideas and advise on how to make my playstyle more efficient and better. So I looked up and read some info on mouseover keybindings....needless to say /mindblown.

Thanks to my buddy Dusky (who plays on WOW_GOD MODE) and his help and patience, I got some bindings and some new auras (also what triggered this need for new UI was the fact that my /WA strings were so huge they took up to 56 MB of memory while Loaded...yeah, WTF?!).

So last night I edited some more. and went on to do some dungeons. Well...all hell broke loose in Grim Rail Depot. While the bindings were working, my Blizz default frames totally disappeared from my screen, twitch viewers were as confused as I /SUF were not working with the was a disaster. My apologies to the people in the dungeon. I apologized for the fail and left after the wipe. Trying to heal with no frames, and making up for it by healing hovering over the party players while moving and running around trying to dodge fire...that doesn't work so well! LOL

That got fixed. Blizz frames appeared again after I disabled /SUF and reloaded the UI. So perhaps using /SUF for player and target frames only conflics with party and raid frames since I disabled them on the /SUF addon??...That's probably it. 

This morning I did some more testing. Now I am fine tuning my keybindings and getting used to this whole new playstyle. It is definitely something new. Here's a screen shot of my new UI.


Moving on. We ended up killing Flamebender and Operator Thogar last night on Heroic Mode. We tried Oregorger, but just got him to Phase II. The encounter is tough, for sure.

Flamebender's defeat was a matter getting the mechanics down, dodging stuff, getting out of fire, and stacking when needed. One thing though, about LAVA SLASH, dont wait till you have it on you. That shit happens so fast, you dont know what hit thing you know you had it b/c you're dead. Expect it and be ready to MOVE. Like, always think that you're next.
Best thing about it is, I got my first T17 piece with a token roll and I didnt get gold!!! 
So, that was pretty amazing and a great start to the raid. Got to replace my 650 chest piece. It was great.

Operator Thogar was a pain in my butt. When the encounter started, I knew the fight...yet....those trains....THOSE TRAINS!!!  OH MY GOD...So many wipes. So many Deaths.
In the end I ended up getting ThogarHelper addon, This addon announces to the raid which markers to move to to avoid getting train wrecked! After that, we were a bit low on the kill was pure luck. 89% of the raid was dead with him at around ~250K HP. Thank god to the DPS who were up, getting overrun by adds, just focused him and got him down before their impending deaths lol. It was definitely a fun and intense fight. The addon definitely had a lot to do with its "success".
So, I advise....GET IT if your group is having these same issues with the trains.

Here are the logs.


Thursday, February 5, 2015



OK, a nutshell...all you have to do for this encounter is a couple of things and GG. EZ MODE!!!

Encounter starts -BAM! Pull boss. (for more info visit Icy-Veins or WoW_Head)

ENCHANTED ARMAMENTS - Stay AWAY from these. They cause 95k to 105k dmg per every 3 seconds. DO NOT TOUCH. I know it may be quite irresistible since they are SHINY. But I promise, it's not worth it.
Enchanted Armaments/ Pic Cred: WOWHEAD

LAVA SLASH - This randomly targets a player. When you get this on you, run away. Make sure you dont run towards other players as it causes dmg to players 7yds away. make sure when you have this you dont run it all over the place. Run the slash in a straight line that does not obstruct movement on your other raid members.

Lava Slash/Pic Cred: WOWHEAD

MOLTEN TORRENT -This is a meteor of fucking molten lava that crashes on you. Unless you have a dmg mitigation cd, DO NOT take this alone. It will completely obliterate your soul!!!-or kill you. ONE SHOT Guaranteed! So, if you're range, RUN to melee. If you're melee, stay where you are. Damage is split between all other players within 8yd range. Another thing....healers...heal your hearts out b/c meteor torrents hurt and these happen every 15 seconds as long as boss has more than 25 energy.
Molten Torrent/ Pic Cred: WoW_Head

CINDER WOLVES - Raiders - KITE KITE KITE. Kite these little fuckers until the dps Kills them! They will fixate on you and follow you around to eat you!!!! The wolves need to die within 8 secs of one another or else they will heal to full due to rekindle and they need to die before boss reaches 100 energy
Cinder Wolves/Pic Cred: WoW_Head

@75 Molten Energy

BLAZING RADIANCE - RUN AWAY from group @least 10yd min.

@ZERO Molten Energy

MAGMA MONSOON - Lava is thrown at range. Stay out of the Danger Zone before they land! Zones of Danger are marked by a swirly circle on the ground.
Magma Monsoon/Pic Cred: WoW Head



I decided to join the fun and do Live streaming/tweeting. Im no expert, just a regular resto shaman healing things and sometimes standing on fire b/c fire is SHINY ^_^

Follow me!

BRF Raid #2

Tonight we raid again. Tuesday we got 3 bosses down. Tonight, I am hopeful, but not too hopeful. Our tanks are fairly undergeared, so it will definitely be a major challenge.

Looks like we will be trying out Flamebender Ka'graz, from then on, I have no clue. So I've been reading and watching lots of videos on all ecounters. Blast Furnance, Kromog, Thogar, Iron Maidens.

Here are some cool channels I like to follow to catch up on good streams/guides.


Hans'gar & Franzok Heroic Mode

Hans'gar & Franzok

This encounter is fairly easy, but hard if your raid has issues with dodging mechanics. This is especially important because the platforms on which you stand move back and forth - they are conveyor belts. There is fire, moving platforms, crushing plates, searing/fired parts on the belts, abilities from the bosses, etc...
Honestly, this fight almost gave me a seizure. I got super dizzy. Optical perception /OVERDRIVE.

So, the encounter starts out fairly tame. Each tank pulls the bosses. Tank switch should happen when Shattered Vertebrae stacks get too high. This debuff increases physical dmg by 40%. So when Crippling Supplex takes place, use a cd.

Like always, dont get caught casting spells during Disrupting Roar . It will nature lock you/interrupt your spells. Healers especially, bc healing is critical.

During Body Slam move away from raid team. You want as little players as possible to get hit by this b/c it causes Shattered Vertebrae. After this happens Aftershock will cause raid wide dmg.

While this is all happening the belts begin to move. At first, slowly, then as the encounter progresses it will get faster and much more difficult b/c searing plates start to come out at an increased rate along with pulverized which are pressing plates crushing down on the searing plates.

This is pretty much the extent of the encounter. It is pretty repetitive. But we have to take into consideration that the floor (conveyor belts) will be moving and more searing plates and pulverized will be happening. Due to all this movement, one should lust at beginning of fight to get the most out of it.

Note: when running away from searing plates / pulverize, the spots who previously had a searing plate/pulverize on it, wont for one turn. So you can easily dodge them going back and forth. Use your class personal speed boosts during these last phases to run from them, and dont get caught up against the ends of the walls where the belts come out of. This causes a lot of dmg to the player due to Scorching Burns.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Beastlord Darmac on Heroic Mode

Beastlord Darmac Boss

This boss is the first boss in Wing #3 - Iron Assembly
The encounter is fairly easy, but requires a lot of raid awareness. It is also a tight room that requires angle precision and moving it as you position yourself to dps, heal, or tank.
From a healer's POV, its not very intense up until the last few minutes of the encounter.
The encounter, at least for me, seemed to take forever. It is a very redundant fight since it has multiple phases.
As a healer, make sure to dispatch necessary healing, but also be aware of your mana. During our first attempts I myself struggled with my mana pool.

There are about 7 different phases in this encounter. All the phases have him on foot or on his mounts from the beasts in the stables. There are 3 different beasts - Cruelfang, Ironcrusher, and Dreadwing.

This is how the fight will progress:

The beasts mounted will be beasts nearest to the boss!

On Foot > Cruelfang > On Foot > Ironcrusher > On Foot > Dreadwing > On Foot

Being on the mounts provide the boss with certain abilities.

Cruelfang = Rend & Tear, Savage Howl.
after beast is killed boss gains: 
Cruelfang's Swiftness 
(Rend & Tear)

Ironcrusher = Crush Armor, Tantrum, Stampede
after beast is killed boss gains
Iron Crusher's Rage 

Dreadwing = Searing Fangs,  Inferno Breath, Conflagaration
after beast is killed boss gains
Dreadwing's Flame 
( Superheated Shrapnel, Flame Infusion, Seeking Embers)

Once he mounts a beast, that learned ability stays with him throughout the encounter. So by the end you will have to watch out for a lot of things. This is why it is important to conserve mana and be very raid aware.

These are the different percentages for the boss to enter preceding phases.
On Foot 1 > 85%
Cruelfang > kill beast
On Foot 2 > 65%
Ironcrusher > kill beast
On Foot 3 >  45%
Dreadwing > kill beast
On Foot  4 > KILL BOSS! 
(LUST during @start of this phase)

On Foot 1 > 85%
During this phase the boss will use PIN DOWN - this ability will pin down players to the ground. other players need to kill the spears to release pinned down players. Pinned down players will take damage while pinned down. Please make note of picture below. Right before spears happen, this animation will be on the floor. Move out STAT.
Prequel to Pin Down ability during Darmac boss
He also uses Call of the Pack  every 20 secs where a large number of beasts are summoned. When they enter the room. These adds can all be tanked and dmg'd down/killed. The beasts have a "blood scent" ability that stacks on them and this increases their movement and dmg. So kill adds as fast as possible. 

*Note: as a healer, I had a few of these on me. Tell you raid if you have adds on you or stand on your tanks aggro range and use any aggro reset ability you may have so he can gain their aggro instead (BUT DONT STAND SO CLOSE AS TO TAKE THEIR DEBUFFING STACKS)*

Cruelfang > kill beast 

Raid team needs to be spread out. Tanks need to swap out and make sure that during the time they are not tanking they dont get affected by Rend and Tear. Tanks should do a switch when the ability starts to take too much out of the current tank (too much high dmg).

Cruelfang also uses Savage Howl. When this happens, make sure your tank moves him away from the beasts called forth by Call the Pack.  Savage Howl buffs them up.  So either kill them fast or try to keep them away from the tank with Cruelfang.
**Hunters, Rogues, Druids can prevent these enrages from the beasts/ adds***

**Healing will be intense, so prepare yourself for incoming high dmg.**

On Foot 2 > 65%
Continue phase as you would previous phase, since boss will be using the Rend & Tear-like ability. No savage howl though, so that's a plus.

Ironcrusher > kill beast

Crush armor stacks a debuff on the tank. Have tanks switch. This reduces their armor by 10% per stack for 15 seconds!!!!
Beast will also cause Tantrum ability. This deals raid wide damage every 5 seconds / 20 secs. Also there is Stampede, which is a charge to a random player that does a knockback.

**KEEP IN MIND: all this will be happening while the boss ALSO uses Cruelfang abilities while also having to deal with Pack Beasts and Pin Downs***

**HEALERS: Please use cool downs for Tantrum ability. This will be the most healing intensive part of the encounter & will require CD rotations to prevent many deaths***

On Foot 3 >  45%
This will be the part of the encounter that is sort of a "break" So do everything you can here to heal up your raid and gain mana back.

Dreadwing > kill beast 

Dreadwing should be left for last as one of the beasts he mounts. Why? Because after Dreadwing is killed, Darmac gains about 3 extra abilities, all pretty intense and causing FIREEE!!! damage to you, and all over the room as well as a cone-like fire breath ability.

Searing Fangs - used against your tanks. Gives them a debuff that stacks called Seared Flesh. This requires a tank switch, since it causes 20% dmg.

Inferno Breath is a fire cone-like breath ability. Stay out of it.  Applies DoT on raiders. Can be dispelled. But it is optimal that the less people get hit by it bc dispelling is mana draining on healers and Conflagaration is also another DoT that needs dispelling. 

Conflagaration will spread between players. Spread out 8yds apart. This will also cause whoever has it to move erratically

Once Dreadwing is killed, Dreadwing's Flame is an ability the boss keeps. It causes:
-Super Heated Shrapnel => Inferno Breath , leaves fiery zones on the ground!
-Flame Infusion =>Fires up the dead beasts on the ground. Dont stand on them!
-Seeking Embers => Spears will also deal Fire Damage!

**Remember, through this you will also be dealing with all other previous abilities as well**

On Foot  4 > KILL BOSS! 
This is the FINAL phase. This phase is the most difficult. Lust at the start of this phase.

This will require your raid to spread out, perform tank switches, and be aware of their surroundings.

Pack Beasts should be a top priority ALWAYS

Heavy Spears should always be focused down whenever they pin someone down & killed so that they dont get overwhelming in number.

AVOID Inferno Breath Icon Inferno Breath & all other Dreadwing abilities because they are intense and not something that can be afforded during this last phase. So, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.


Darmac, Gruul, and Hans'gar & Franzok Heroic Mode

Last night we raided Blackrock Foundry in Heroic mode. We defeated Beastlord Darmac, Gruul, and Hans'gar & Franzok. First boss to each wing. Many tries were put forth. The encounters are fun and fresh. A lot of mehanics. Healing is intensive. I oculdn't get a shot of Darmac, but here are two from the other bosses. In a separate post I will discuss our strategies. 

Gruul, Heroic Mode

Hans'gar & Franzok, Heroic Mode
having said this, I need to work further on my UI and making it cleaner.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

WARCRAFT MOVIE!! - So Many Worthy WoW NEWS in just ONE day!


MARCH 11th, 2016

Directed by: Duncan Jones


Blackrock Foundry Ready! Gruul & Oregorger rundowns.

So ready. Tonight we raid BRF. I think these are the two first bosses we will tackle first.

Gruul & Oregorger.

Gruul seems fairly simple & straight forward, like always a dps and raid awareness check. But I foresee Oregorger will be a big challenge for healers, especially shamans since the encounter is big on movement and lots of abilities needing interrupts. Not to mention a lot of possible LOS issues. I hope everyone's ready for that! If SOO-Garrosh Adds are any indication of this one, we are definitely going to struggle. There were a lot of issues with those interrupts during that tier.

Gruul Boss/ Picture Cred: Method H. Gruul Video Guide

As per Icy Veins:  Here is a rundown to Gruul: - LUST @ Start.

Phase I - 70 seconds

The boss is tanked. 
He uses inferno slice: per every 10 seconds. 
  • Indicated by rage bar.
  • When rage bar is maxed inferno slice takes place - HIGH amt of fire dmg output to Tank & Players in its cone area. This ability splits dmg between players.
  • Rage bar then resets. 
  • Debuff increases dmg by 20% for 30 seconds (these are players who stand in cone area).
Overwhelming blows: placed on Tanks.
  • Causes high amt of dmg to tank and players within 10yds & 60 sec debuff stacked.
  • Overwhelming blows cause 10% dmg increase per stack. - Tanks must switch!

Petrifying slam: player knock back ability that petrifies them slowly after the knockback. 
  • Lasts 5secs.
  • Debuff slowly petrifies raid members.
  • Causes dmg (small), 
  • When fully petrified, Gruul casts "Shatter"
  • Shatter causes nature dmg.
  • Have 8yd range between players. So players need to spread at this range.
  • Shatter removes Petrification.
Overhead smash: During Phase I only. 
  • Long line on the floor in front of him.
  • after this is cast HIGH nature dmg takes place to those standing on it.

Raid  team must successfully know how to handle these abilities. Raid group should be split in two to split dmg, with two tanks tanking Gruul opposite side to one another.

Phase II - 30 seconds

This phase is not Tankable.

Gruul goes to center of room and causes a "Cave In"

  • Rocks fall from roof. These are indicated on ground. So, move out.
  • The rocks stun and cause HIGH amt of dmg.
  • Rocks fall from the roof.
After cave in ability, Destructive Rampage takes place.

  • Nature dmg per every 5 secs for 25 secs.
  • Overhead smash will happen in random directions - be ready to move out.


Oregorger Boss/ Picture Cred: Icy Veins H. Oregorger WoD Beta Preview Video Guide on YouTube

Here is the run down on OregorgerLUST @ Start.

This is a big room, shaped like a maze.  There are a lot of rocks all over the place & a lot of movement is needed. During phase I, the room layout is irrelevant, but during phase II it is imperative to take into account because there will be a lot of movement and things to avoid.

Phase I - Until boss runs out of Mana.
We have to worry about abilities liek Acid Maw and Acid Torrent. 
  • Acid Maw needs to be handled through tank switches.
  • Acid Torrent targets the player closest to the boss. Tank will take the damage - High amout of dmg.
  • Raid takes a lot of dmg after this.
  • However, during this ability all dmg mitigation cd's need to be placed on the tank taking the ability.
  • Tanks should switch after this ability so they alternate debuffs.
  • Range will need to stack together at a distance.
    • Retched blackrock: void zones.
    • void zones need to be placed close to one another/overlap so that it doesnt take too much space.
  • Melee needs to be loosely spread out around the boss.
    • Explosive shard: shards are dropped on melee.
    • Players need to run away from these shards. They explode after 3 secs of landing.
    • Cannot be close to boss/tank, if so, they will be affected by Acid Torrent.
  • Blackrock Barrage: needs to be interrupted.
  • There may be times where they cannot be interrupted, this will cause raid wide dmg and will also reduce the boss' phase I stage. 
  • We want Oregorger to be in phase I for as long as possible since phase II is very hectic.
  1. Healers need to be ready and alert on their Tank's status when taking Acid Maw and Acid Torrent. 
  2. Cool downs will need to be popped. 
  3. They also need to deal with raid wide damage from Retched Blackrock and Explosive Shards, but these should not be too intense.
Phase II - Begins as soon as boss runs out of Mana
The boss is no longer tankable during this phase.
He rolls around throughout the room at a high speed rate.
He collects ore to refill his mana, at which point phase II ends.

  1. DPS will need to destroy the Ore Crates as fast as possible - STAT.
  2. Raid needs to aovid Oregorger as he rolls around - he will never roll back the way he came
  3. It is very easy to LOS healers, be aware of this at all times.
  4. Healers need to be spread out so they can reach all players easily.
  • Regular dmg will come from Earthshaking collision - raid wide dmg each time boss stops rolling.
  • Stacks of Hunger drive is a stacking debuff that increases dmg done by Earthshaking collision by 5% each stack.
    • It is IMPERATIVE that Phase II ends as fast as possible!
      • Which is why DPS will need to destroy the Ore Crates as fast as possible - STAT.
***Setting up interrupt rotation in Phase I will be efficient and VERY important!
***Crates being destroyed during Phase II as fast as possible will determine the success of your raid team. The faster the crates are destroyed, the faster the phase ends, the less dmg the raid takes.
*******Be aware of positioning, movement, and always be mindful of your healers and not to be LOS from them.

V-Day on WoW, BRF & Patch 6.1

New achievements for Love is in the air event in WoW, as well as loot from the Crown Chemical Co. Dungeon.

So excited to do them all!

Also, a lot of people have been confusing the inauguration of Blackrock Foundry being tied to Patch 6.1 release. They aren't together. BRF comes out today, after realm resets/rolling restarts. There is no release date for Patch 6.1. This will be released when Blizzard is ready, and all changes will take place with the Patch, not BRF release.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

1st Mythic Mission!!

Ok, I know I am a little slow at this. But I just got around to Garrison-ing. Finally got some followers up there to warrant some hefty missions. After setting up the War Mill to lvl 3 and grueling days of upgrades....I finally got my 1st Mythic Mission!!!                                                      

Now, let me go squeal with happiness and giddiness while I anxiously await the outcome.


Shhhhhhhhh...Mythic mission in progress.