Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hans'gar & Franzok Heroic Mode

Hans'gar & Franzok

This encounter is fairly easy, but hard if your raid has issues with dodging mechanics. This is especially important because the platforms on which you stand move back and forth - they are conveyor belts. There is fire, moving platforms, crushing plates, searing/fired parts on the belts, abilities from the bosses, etc...
Honestly, this fight almost gave me a seizure. I got super dizzy. Optical perception /OVERDRIVE.

So, the encounter starts out fairly tame. Each tank pulls the bosses. Tank switch should happen when Shattered Vertebrae stacks get too high. This debuff increases physical dmg by 40%. So when Crippling Supplex takes place, use a cd.

Like always, dont get caught casting spells during Disrupting Roar . It will nature lock you/interrupt your spells. Healers especially, bc healing is critical.

During Body Slam move away from raid team. You want as little players as possible to get hit by this b/c it causes Shattered Vertebrae. After this happens Aftershock will cause raid wide dmg.

While this is all happening the belts begin to move. At first, slowly, then as the encounter progresses it will get faster and much more difficult b/c searing plates start to come out at an increased rate along with pulverized which are pressing plates crushing down on the searing plates.

This is pretty much the extent of the encounter. It is pretty repetitive. But we have to take into consideration that the floor (conveyor belts) will be moving and more searing plates and pulverized will be happening. Due to all this movement, one should lust at beginning of fight to get the most out of it.

Note: when running away from searing plates / pulverize, the spots who previously had a searing plate/pulverize on it, wont for one turn. So you can easily dodge them going back and forth. Use your class personal speed boosts during these last phases to run from them, and dont get caught up against the ends of the walls where the belts come out of. This causes a lot of dmg to the player due to Scorching Burns.


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