Friday, February 6, 2015

NEW User Interface & Loot!

Before I get into the topics I want to announce. I have some advise.

DO NOT....I repeat...DO NOT make any changes to your UI set up before a raid without having practiced with it or feeling comfortable with it enough so that it is second nature/automatic reflex to use everything on it. Seriously.

This unfortunately happened to me last night. I had changed my UI to what I thought would be optimal and efficient...and it looked good, so I was happy...But when raid started and things got crazy, I froze. 

So, I made some changes. And it worked. But not after I died twice and my healing was sub-par. Yeah. I'm bad. But you live and you learn. In the end it is these things that make you a better player, right? RIGHT! -_-

However, it doesn't end there. I have been getting some grief from certain people who shall remain nameless -_- about my using mouse binds (razer naga). So, naturally, I like to get ideas and advise on how to make my playstyle more efficient and better. So I looked up and read some info on mouseover keybindings....needless to say /mindblown.

Thanks to my buddy Dusky (who plays on WOW_GOD MODE) and his help and patience, I got some bindings and some new auras (also what triggered this need for new UI was the fact that my /WA strings were so huge they took up to 56 MB of memory while Loaded...yeah, WTF?!).

So last night I edited some more. and went on to do some dungeons. Well...all hell broke loose in Grim Rail Depot. While the bindings were working, my Blizz default frames totally disappeared from my screen, twitch viewers were as confused as I /SUF were not working with the was a disaster. My apologies to the people in the dungeon. I apologized for the fail and left after the wipe. Trying to heal with no frames, and making up for it by healing hovering over the party players while moving and running around trying to dodge fire...that doesn't work so well! LOL

That got fixed. Blizz frames appeared again after I disabled /SUF and reloaded the UI. So perhaps using /SUF for player and target frames only conflics with party and raid frames since I disabled them on the /SUF addon??...That's probably it. 

This morning I did some more testing. Now I am fine tuning my keybindings and getting used to this whole new playstyle. It is definitely something new. Here's a screen shot of my new UI.


Moving on. We ended up killing Flamebender and Operator Thogar last night on Heroic Mode. We tried Oregorger, but just got him to Phase II. The encounter is tough, for sure.

Flamebender's defeat was a matter getting the mechanics down, dodging stuff, getting out of fire, and stacking when needed. One thing though, about LAVA SLASH, dont wait till you have it on you. That shit happens so fast, you dont know what hit thing you know you had it b/c you're dead. Expect it and be ready to MOVE. Like, always think that you're next.
Best thing about it is, I got my first T17 piece with a token roll and I didnt get gold!!! 
So, that was pretty amazing and a great start to the raid. Got to replace my 650 chest piece. It was great.

Operator Thogar was a pain in my butt. When the encounter started, I knew the fight...yet....those trains....THOSE TRAINS!!!  OH MY GOD...So many wipes. So many Deaths.
In the end I ended up getting ThogarHelper addon, This addon announces to the raid which markers to move to to avoid getting train wrecked! After that, we were a bit low on the kill was pure luck. 89% of the raid was dead with him at around ~250K HP. Thank god to the DPS who were up, getting overrun by adds, just focused him and got him down before their impending deaths lol. It was definitely a fun and intense fight. The addon definitely had a lot to do with its "success".
So, I advise....GET IT if your group is having these same issues with the trains.

Here are the logs.


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