Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Beastlord Darmac on Heroic Mode

Beastlord Darmac Boss

This boss is the first boss in Wing #3 - Iron Assembly
The encounter is fairly easy, but requires a lot of raid awareness. It is also a tight room that requires angle precision and moving it as you position yourself to dps, heal, or tank.
From a healer's POV, its not very intense up until the last few minutes of the encounter.
The encounter, at least for me, seemed to take forever. It is a very redundant fight since it has multiple phases.
As a healer, make sure to dispatch necessary healing, but also be aware of your mana. During our first attempts I myself struggled with my mana pool.

There are about 7 different phases in this encounter. All the phases have him on foot or on his mounts from the beasts in the stables. There are 3 different beasts - Cruelfang, Ironcrusher, and Dreadwing.

This is how the fight will progress:

The beasts mounted will be beasts nearest to the boss!

On Foot > Cruelfang > On Foot > Ironcrusher > On Foot > Dreadwing > On Foot

Being on the mounts provide the boss with certain abilities.

Cruelfang = Rend & Tear, Savage Howl.
after beast is killed boss gains: 
Cruelfang's Swiftness 
(Rend & Tear)

Ironcrusher = Crush Armor, Tantrum, Stampede
after beast is killed boss gains
Iron Crusher's Rage 

Dreadwing = Searing Fangs,  Inferno Breath, Conflagaration
after beast is killed boss gains
Dreadwing's Flame 
( Superheated Shrapnel, Flame Infusion, Seeking Embers)

Once he mounts a beast, that learned ability stays with him throughout the encounter. So by the end you will have to watch out for a lot of things. This is why it is important to conserve mana and be very raid aware.

These are the different percentages for the boss to enter preceding phases.
On Foot 1 > 85%
Cruelfang > kill beast
On Foot 2 > 65%
Ironcrusher > kill beast
On Foot 3 >  45%
Dreadwing > kill beast
On Foot  4 > KILL BOSS! 
(LUST during @start of this phase)

On Foot 1 > 85%
During this phase the boss will use PIN DOWN - this ability will pin down players to the ground. other players need to kill the spears to release pinned down players. Pinned down players will take damage while pinned down. Please make note of picture below. Right before spears happen, this animation will be on the floor. Move out STAT.
Prequel to Pin Down ability during Darmac boss
He also uses Call of the Pack  every 20 secs where a large number of beasts are summoned. When they enter the room. These adds can all be tanked and dmg'd down/killed. The beasts have a "blood scent" ability that stacks on them and this increases their movement and dmg. So kill adds as fast as possible. 

*Note: as a healer, I had a few of these on me. Tell you raid if you have adds on you or stand on your tanks aggro range and use any aggro reset ability you may have so he can gain their aggro instead (BUT DONT STAND SO CLOSE AS TO TAKE THEIR DEBUFFING STACKS)*

Cruelfang > kill beast 

Raid team needs to be spread out. Tanks need to swap out and make sure that during the time they are not tanking they dont get affected by Rend and Tear. Tanks should do a switch when the ability starts to take too much out of the current tank (too much high dmg).

Cruelfang also uses Savage Howl. When this happens, make sure your tank moves him away from the beasts called forth by Call the Pack.  Savage Howl buffs them up.  So either kill them fast or try to keep them away from the tank with Cruelfang.
**Hunters, Rogues, Druids can prevent these enrages from the beasts/ adds***

**Healing will be intense, so prepare yourself for incoming high dmg.**

On Foot 2 > 65%
Continue phase as you would previous phase, since boss will be using the Rend & Tear-like ability. No savage howl though, so that's a plus.

Ironcrusher > kill beast

Crush armor stacks a debuff on the tank. Have tanks switch. This reduces their armor by 10% per stack for 15 seconds!!!!
Beast will also cause Tantrum ability. This deals raid wide damage every 5 seconds / 20 secs. Also there is Stampede, which is a charge to a random player that does a knockback.

**KEEP IN MIND: all this will be happening while the boss ALSO uses Cruelfang abilities while also having to deal with Pack Beasts and Pin Downs***

**HEALERS: Please use cool downs for Tantrum ability. This will be the most healing intensive part of the encounter & will require CD rotations to prevent many deaths***

On Foot 3 >  45%
This will be the part of the encounter that is sort of a "break" So do everything you can here to heal up your raid and gain mana back.

Dreadwing > kill beast 

Dreadwing should be left for last as one of the beasts he mounts. Why? Because after Dreadwing is killed, Darmac gains about 3 extra abilities, all pretty intense and causing FIREEE!!! damage to you, and all over the room as well as a cone-like fire breath ability.

Searing Fangs - used against your tanks. Gives them a debuff that stacks called Seared Flesh. This requires a tank switch, since it causes 20% dmg.

Inferno Breath is a fire cone-like breath ability. Stay out of it.  Applies DoT on raiders. Can be dispelled. But it is optimal that the less people get hit by it bc dispelling is mana draining on healers and Conflagaration is also another DoT that needs dispelling. 

Conflagaration will spread between players. Spread out 8yds apart. This will also cause whoever has it to move erratically

Once Dreadwing is killed, Dreadwing's Flame is an ability the boss keeps. It causes:
-Super Heated Shrapnel => Inferno Breath , leaves fiery zones on the ground!
-Flame Infusion =>Fires up the dead beasts on the ground. Dont stand on them!
-Seeking Embers => Spears will also deal Fire Damage!

**Remember, through this you will also be dealing with all other previous abilities as well**

On Foot  4 > KILL BOSS! 
This is the FINAL phase. This phase is the most difficult. Lust at the start of this phase.

This will require your raid to spread out, perform tank switches, and be aware of their surroundings.

Pack Beasts should be a top priority ALWAYS

Heavy Spears should always be focused down whenever they pin someone down & killed so that they dont get overwhelming in number.

AVOID Inferno Breath Icon Inferno Breath & all other Dreadwing abilities because they are intense and not something that can be afforded during this last phase. So, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.


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