So ready. Tonight we raid BRF. I think these are the two first bosses we will tackle first.
Gruul & Oregorger.
Gruul seems fairly simple & straight forward, like always a dps and raid awareness check. But I foresee Oregorger will be a big challenge for healers, especially shamans since the encounter is big on movement and lots of abilities needing interrupts. Not to mention a lot of possible LOS issues. I hope everyone's ready for that! If SOO-Garrosh Adds are any indication of this one, we are definitely going to struggle. There were a lot of issues with those interrupts during that tier.
Gruul Boss/ Picture Cred: Method H. Gruul Video Guide |
As per Icy Veins: Here is a rundown to Gruul: - LUST @ Start.
Phase I - 70 seconds
The boss is tanked.
He uses inferno slice: per every 10 seconds.
- Indicated by rage bar.
- When rage bar is maxed inferno slice takes place - HIGH amt of fire dmg output to Tank & Players in its cone area. This ability splits dmg between players.
- Rage bar then resets.
- Debuff increases dmg by 20% for 30 seconds (these are players who stand in cone area).
- Causes high amt of dmg to tank and players within 10yds & 60 sec debuff stacked.
- Overwhelming blows cause 10% dmg increase per stack. - Tanks must switch!
Petrifying slam: player knock back ability that petrifies them slowly after the knockback.
- Lasts 5secs.
- Debuff slowly petrifies raid members.
- Causes dmg (small),
- When fully petrified, Gruul casts "Shatter"
- Shatter causes nature dmg.
- Have 8yd range between players. So players need to spread at this range.
- Shatter removes Petrification.
- Long line on the floor in front of him.
- after this is cast HIGH nature dmg takes place to those standing on it.
Phase II - 30 seconds
This phase is not Tankable.
Gruul goes to center of room and causes a "Cave In"
- Rocks fall from roof. These are indicated on ground. So, move out.
- The rocks stun and cause HIGH amt of dmg.
- Rocks fall from the roof.
- Nature dmg per every 5 secs for 25 secs.
- Overhead smash will happen in random directions - be ready to move out.
Oregorger Boss/ Picture Cred: Icy Veins H. Oregorger WoD Beta Preview Video Guide on YouTube |
Here is the run down on Oregorger- LUST @ Start.
This is a big room, shaped like a maze. There are a lot of rocks all over the place & a lot of movement is needed. During phase I, the room layout is irrelevant, but during phase II it is imperative to take into account because there will be a lot of movement and things to avoid.
Phase I - Until boss runs out of Mana.
We have to worry about abilities liek Acid Maw and Acid Torrent.
- Acid Maw needs to be handled through tank switches.
- Acid Torrent targets the player closest to the boss. Tank will take the damage - High amout of dmg.
- Raid takes a lot of dmg after this.
- However, during this ability all dmg mitigation cd's need to be placed on the tank taking the ability.
- Tanks should switch after this ability so they alternate debuffs.
- Range will need to stack together at a distance.
- Retched blackrock: void zones.
- void zones need to be placed close to one another/overlap so that it doesnt take too much space.
- Melee needs to be loosely spread out around the boss.
- Explosive shard: shards are dropped on melee.
- Players need to run away from these shards. They explode after 3 secs of landing.
- Cannot be close to boss/tank, if so, they will be affected by Acid Torrent.
- Blackrock Barrage: needs to be interrupted.
- There may be times where they cannot be interrupted, this will cause raid wide dmg and will also reduce the boss' phase I stage.
- We want Oregorger to be in phase I for as long as possible since phase II is very hectic.
- Healers need to be ready and alert on their Tank's status when taking Acid Maw and Acid Torrent.
- Cool downs will need to be popped.
- They also need to deal with raid wide damage from Retched Blackrock and Explosive Shards, but these should not be too intense.
Phase II - Begins as soon as boss runs out of Mana
The boss is no longer tankable during this phase.
He rolls around throughout the room at a high speed rate.
He collects ore to refill his mana, at which point phase II ends.
- DPS will need to destroy the Ore Crates as fast as possible - STAT.
- Raid needs to aovid Oregorger as he rolls around - he will never roll back the way he came
- It is very easy to LOS healers, be aware of this at all times.
- Healers need to be spread out so they can reach all players easily.
- Regular dmg will come from Earthshaking collision - raid wide dmg each time boss stops rolling.
- Stacks of Hunger drive is a stacking debuff that increases dmg done by Earthshaking collision by 5% each stack.
- It is IMPERATIVE that Phase II ends as fast as possible!
- Which is why DPS will need to destroy the Ore Crates as fast as possible - STAT.
***Setting up interrupt rotation in Phase I will be efficient and VERY important!
***Crates being destroyed during Phase II as fast as possible will determine the success of your raid team. The faster the crates are destroyed, the faster the phase ends, the less dmg the raid takes.
*******Be aware of positioning, movement, and always be mindful of your healers and not to be LOS from them.
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